Sergey Nazarov Presentations, Keynotes, and Podcasts

Sergey Nazarov is the co-founder of Chainlink, the industry-leading Web3 services platform. Having envisioned the importance of cryptographic truth and the critical role that oracle networks would play within Web3, he has helped grow the Chainlink Network to enable $7T+ in transaction value and shape the Web3 industry. 

In this repository, you’ll find a collection of his presentations, keynotes, and podcast appearances, arranged by theme. 

Tokenized Finance and Capital Markets

Chainlink and Web3

Smart Contract Innovation

Web3 Developers

Existing collections of Sergey Nazarov’s presentations, keynotes, and podcast appearances can also be found on YouTube, Spotify, and this blog

To keep up with the latest thought leadership from Sergey Nazarov, follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn. For all updates on the Chainlink Network, visit our press page and follow Chainlink’s Twitter, YouTube, Discord, and Reddit.

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