HackerNode Community Design Contest Winners

We’re excited to share the winners of our first-ever design contest as part of Chainlink’s Web3 Oracle HackerNode. We received more than 150 entries which were judged by the Chainlink Community Ambassadors and team.

Thank you to everyone that entered! Exciting news, we will send everyone who submitted a qualified entry a Chainlink swag box in the next few months. Stay alert for future announcements detailing how to claim your swag.

With so many great entries to choose from, judging was very difficult. To account for the plethora of community participation, we added a “Most Creative and Artistic” category. The Chainlink team will contact all the winners via Twitter to distribute prizes.

#Web3Summit#ChainlinkCreative #Web3OracleNode $LINK

Chainlink Japanese style pic.twitter.com/RHY0JaqR0Y

— Fiona (@Fiona42816503) August 21, 2019

Thank you again to all of those that participated. We look forward to seeing continued creativity from the community!

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