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688 articles by Chainlink



New Report: The Need for a Chainlink DeFi Yield Index

This research report explores the need for a Chainlink DeFi Yield Index—a new approach that uses Chainlink oracles to aggregate DeFi lending yield rates.

新报告:对Chainlink DeFi Yield Index的需求

Chainlink DeFi Yield Index (CDY Index) 旨在利用业界标准的Chainlink价格预言机来聚合DeFi借贷收益率。通过提高链上借贷协议收益机会的易寻性,CDY指数旨在提升DeFi借贷市场的资本效率。

Seven Key Cross-Chain Bridge Vulnerabilities Explained

If you’re a user, dApp developer, or financial institution going cross-chain, you need to know these seven cross-chain vulnerabilities.


要实现跨链安全性,只采取某一种安全机制是不够的。实际上,要建立稳健的跨链安全模式,需要采取深度防御机制,综合使用多种安全机制,全面地防范攻击。这也是我们构建行业标准的跨链解决方案Chainlink CCIP的初衷。

Chainlink Automation 2.0’s Verifiable Compute—A Leap Forward for Web3 Computation

Dive into the feature enhancements and new sets of automation triggers introduced by Chainlink Automation 2.0’s verifiable compute capabilities.

Web3计算的一大飞跃——Chainlink Automation 2.0的可验证计算

自Chainlink Automation推出以来,其重点一直是开发新功能并引导开发人员能够构建新颖的链上应用,而无需创建和管理一些基础设施。为此,Chainlink Automation已经助力实现了可靠且去中心化的自动化,适用于各种智能合约自动化案例。

Real-World Assets (RWAs) Explained

Understand the opportunity of real-world assets (RWAs) for converting traditional and financial assets into a superior blockchain-based format.



How To Get Sepolia Testnet ETH

Learn how to request testnet ETH tokens to test your Chainlinked smart contract on Ethereum Sepolia.

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