Solana Ignition and Ceramic Network Sovereign Data Hackathon 2021: Chainlink Bounty Winners

We’re excited to announce the Chainlink bounty winners from two recently completed hackathons: Solana Ignition and Ceramic Network Sovereign Data Hackathon. The winning projects presented smart contract applications that leveraged a variety of Chainlink oracle network solutions, from powering DeFi protocols with Chainlink Price Feeds to using Chainlink VRF to generate provably random token allocations as part of an NFT-based game.

Solana Ignition Chainlink Bounty Winners

Thank you to all the participants, sponsors, and judges at the Solana Ignition hackathon for coming together to build the emerging Solana smart contract ecosystem!

With 5000+ participants contributing over 500 blockchain-based projects, the Solana Ignition hackathon showcased the next generation of decentralized applications in the Solana ecosystem. Hackathon developers built innovative solutions across blockchain verticals including DeFi, gaming, art and collectibles, and more.

With the recent launch of Chainlink Price Feeds on the Solana Devnet, there was a bounty offered for projects that made use of Chainlink Price Feeds as part of their submissions. The two projects that took home the Chainlink sponsor prize are listed below.

Hedge Finance

Hedge Finance, a DeFi protocol built by developers Seb Grubb and Chris Coundron, won $24k — the main Chainlink sponsor prize. Hedge Finance offers a 0% lending stablecoin product with a low collateral ratio option in addition to a yield pool that performs optimally during volatile and downtrending market conditions. Most yield products perform best in up-markets, but the team behind Hedge Finance wanted to take advantage of Solana’s high speed to offer a product with lightning-quick liquidations, enabling low collateral ratios and giving users premium yield options in all market conditions.

Hedge Finance uses the Chainlink SOL/USD Price Feed running on Solana Devnet to accurately calculate loan collateralization. The platform is currently live on Solana Devnet, with the team planning to take the platform to Solana mainnet very soon.


A Chainlink sponsor prize of $6k was awarded to HeraCoin, a decentralized application (dApp) on Solana that helps create awareness for many of the issues faced by women in Africa and enables a transparent donation process around these issues. Headed by team members Steve Thijssen, Lian Kuiper, Jill Thijssen, Shivashnie Soemeer, and Thuy Thanh Nguyen, the HeraCoin platform uses high-speed decentralized Chainlink Price Feeds on Solana to enable the real-time conversion of donation amounts from crypto to fiat pairs, helping to offer donors an accurate picture of how much they’re donating and providing reliable donation details for tax reporting purposes.

Ceramic Network Sovereign Data Hackathon Bounty Winners

Thank you to all the participants, sponsors, and judges at the Sovereign Data Hackathon for coming together to push forward web3 and smart contract innovation!

Ceramic Network’s Sovereign Data Hackathon encouraged developers to either add identity tooling to Ceramic Network or integrate identity tooling into other open-source projects for a chance to win a share of $10k in prizes. The hackathon saw over 500 submissions, with 48 projects making use of Ceramic Network’s decentralized infrastructure. 

Chainlink sponsored two prizes worth $500 each for standout projects that integrated smart contracts into Ceramic Network using Chainlink Any-API, Chainlink Price Feeds, Chainlink VRF, or another Chainlink service as part of their submission.  

Hybrid NFT Market

Developer Lucas Espinosa built Hybrid NFT market, an NFT platform that uses Ceramic Network to store NFT details and allows buyers to use Chainlink Any-API functionality to get metadata from Ceramic Network and mint an NFT. More specifically, it requests the stream state for the specified stream ID from the Ceramic Network API. When the Chainlink oracle sends back a response, it parses the metadata returned and calls a function to mint the NFT. By using Ceramic Network streams, the platform is able to leverage features such as tamper-proof history and global availability. For his submission, Lucas received a $500 prize.

Poke NFT

Developer Nguyen The Anh submitted Poke NFT, a Pokémon trading card game built with ERC-721 Non-Fungible Tokens. The game leverages Ceramic’s decentralized identity (DID) services 3ID Connect and IDX, as well as Chainlink VRF, to generate provably random “special tokens” for players. By leveraging 3ID and IDX, the game allows users to control their identities and data in a manner independent from the game itself, while also offering a hosted authentication system that allows users to control their DID and interact with the game using their existing blockchain accounts. For integrating Chainlink VRF, Nguyen also received a $500 prize.

Join the Chainlink Hackathon

Congratulations again to the winners, and thank you to all the teams and developers who integrated Chainlink services into their Solana Ignition and Ceramic Sovereign Data hackathon projects. We are always excited to support experimentation and innovation across the smart contract ecosystem, and we encourage projects to explore the vast array of use cases enabled by Chainlink decentralized oracle networks.

If you are interested in building with Chainlink, we are currently running the Chainlink Fall Hackathon. Register today to compete for a shared prize pool totaling over $550k in prizes.

If you’re a developer and you need resources to get your application connected to Chainlink Price Feeds, Chainlink VRF, or  Chainlink Automation, or to access any API, visit the developer documentation and join the technical discussion on Discord. If you want to schedule a call to discuss the integration more in-depth, reach out here.

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