ETHOdyssey 2021: Chainlink Bounty Winners

The Chainlink Fall 2021 Hackathon kicks off October 22. Sign up today.

We’re excited to announce the Chainlink bounty winners from the ETHOdyssey 2021 Hackathon. Winning projects presented new advanced smart contract applications that leveraged a variety of Chainlink oracle services, such as Chainlink Price Feeds for fetching tamper-proof market data, Chainlink VRF for provably fair blockchain gaming, and Chainlink External Adapters for delivering weather data on-chain to verify insurance contracts.

Bounty winners were awarded a total of $4,000 in prizes, with $1,000 going to each of the top three projects and $500 going to each of the two runner-ups. Each winning ETHOdyssey project used Chainlink oracles to connect their smart contracts to off-chain data and computation, demonstrating the wide range of use cases possible when combining on-chain code and off-chain services to create novel hybrid smart contract applications. These hackathon prizes aim to support and motivate builders across the DeFi and smart contract ecosystem who continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible to do on-chain with support from Chainlink.

Thank you to all the participants, sponsors, and judges at the ETHOdyssey event for coming together to #BuildWithChainlink and drive hybrid smart contract innovation forward.

ETHOdyssey Chainlink Bounty Winners


Developers Sarthak Verma, Chinmay Vemuri, Shriraj Pawar, Pratik Saria, and Saurabh Kumar Suryan built D.A.M.P (Decentralized Asset Management Protocol), a platform that allows users to stream tokens to on-chain pools of their choice and let advanced users, known as managers, handle the allocation process on the users’ behalf. Chainlink Price Feeds are used to calculate the value of all assets held under management and determine the allocation of each user’s yield.

The ultimate goal of the project is to make it easier for all users to earn higher yields while empowering advanced users to manage crypto for additional rewards. Users can withdraw their assets whenever they like and managers are free to allocate those assets into a number of reputable protocols, such as Aave.

Watch the video demonstration.


Developers Aaryan Singh and Anudit Nagar built Janus, a solution that enables the tokenization of reputation on the Polygon blockchain by assigning individual identities with overall trust scores. Trust scores are created by aggregating multiple sources of reputation from a variety of applications and platforms into a single metric. Chainlink oracles are used for the off-chain computation of trust score metrics, increasing efficiency, and allowing for off-chain and cross-chain data to be accessed and aggregated. 

The tokenization of reputation by Janus aims to unlock use cases such as the distribution of loans based on a user’s sales reputation on an NFT marketplace or the assignment of platform perks based on reputation and participation in other projects. 

NFT Aim Lab

Developers Bhaskar Dutta and Abhik Banerjee created NFT Aim Lab, a proof of concept where in-game weapons are minted as on-chain NFTs. Attributes like weapon damage are randomly generated using Chainlink Verifiable Random Function (VRF), enabling players to mint and buy weapon NFTs with unique properties to use in-game. Additionally, players can trade their in-game assets to other users and potentially use their items in other blockchain-based games. 

ETHOdyssey Chainlink Runner-Ups

DAO Insure

For the DAO Insure project, developers Harpalsinh Jadeja, Elio Jordan Lopes, and Shrey Keny built a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) for transparent insurance. They created a DAO-run insurance policy for farmers affected by adverse weather, using Chainlink External Adapters to pull weather data from and publish it on-chain. 

Settlement is then voted on by DAO members, who decide on reimbursement by referencing the on-chain oracle data. While crop damage is a growing concern for farmers due to natural disasters such as floods and droughts, the team also plans on extending the concept to other insurance types.



For the ExpansionPunks project, developer Florian Uhde expanded the Punkverse with 10,000 unique, procedurally-generated collectible Punks stored as ERC721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. An NFT explorer, PunkExplorer, was also created to provide a new experience for navigating the Punkverse, empowering users to browse by trait via dynamic filtering and sorting. 

PunkExplorer changes the way attribute data can be used, revealing trends that would otherwise be invisible. With the metadata revealed beforehand, users can browse the ExpansionPunks collection, and when they are ready, mint a randomly chosen ExpansionPunk using RNG provided by Chainlink VRF. With randomness data in the minting process, tokens can be distributed in a non-linear manner.

Join Upcoming Chainlink Hackathons

Congratulations again to the winners, and thank you to all the teams and developers who used Chainlink in the ETHOdyssey 2021 hackathon. We are always excited to support experimentation and innovation across the smart contract ecosystem by encouraging projects to explore the vast array of use cases enabled by Chainlink decentralized oracle networks.

If you are interested in building with Chainlink, we are sponsoring the ongoing Ignition Solana hackathon. Register today to compete for a shared prize pool split among all participants who use Chainlink in their project in unique ways. 

If you’re a developer and you need resources to get your application connected to Chainlink Price Feeds, Chainlink VRF, Chainlink Automation, or to access any API, visit the developer documentation and join the technical discussion in Discord. If you want to schedule a call to discuss the integration more in-depth, reach out here.

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The Chainlink Fall 2021 Hackathon kicks off October 22, 2021. Whether you’re a developer, creator, artist, blockchain expert, or completely new to the space, this hackathon is the perfect place to kickstart your smart contract development journey and learn from industry-leading mentors. Secure your spot today to compete for over $300k in prizes. 

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