Brazil’s Central Bank is using Chainlink to build its CBDC project alongside Microsoft. Read more.

Ari Juels

Ari Juels is the Weill Family Foundation and Joan and Sanford I. Weill Professor in the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech and a Computer Science faculty member at Cornell University. He is a Co-Director of the Initiative for CryptoCurrencies and Contracts (IC3). He was previously Chief Scientist of RSA.

3 articles by Ari Juels

Self-Custody—With a Little Help From Chainlink DECO

How Chainlink DECO could help support crypto self-custody and key recovery in a privacy-preserving way.

Fair Sequencing Services: Enabling a Provably Fair DeFi Ecosystem

Research conducted and written by Ari Juels, Lorenz Breidenbach, and Florian Tramèr of Chainlink Labs As Ethereum’s popularity continues to increase thanks to tokenization, then DEXes, and now DeFi, we’re seeing unprecedented, consistently high gas prices for users of the network.

Town Crier and Chainlink: Enriching and Extending the Possibilities of Oracles

People often ask me whether smart contracts are going to have real impact someday. In my experience, making technology predictions is a mug’s game. Happily, in this case, there’s no need: Smart contracts have already had a big impact.

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